No problem is so big or so complicated that it can’t be run away from. These are the (seemingly) wise words of Linus van Pelt, best friend of Charlie Brown, discussing his approach to facing his fears and problems. An approach in name only, since Linus actually did not want to face his issues head

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[This article was originally published on Above the Law] There is a very good chance that as you’re reading this right now, you’re an unhappy lawyer. You may absolutely hate practicing the law. Or, to tone it down a bit, your day-to-day work may be “meh†or “just okay†or “fineâ€. But it’s likely safe

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Leave Law Behind is a blog and community to help unhappy and dissatisfied attorneys find ways to leave the law behind and create new career paths for themselves. It’s an active community that comments on blog posts, emails me each week and interacts with each other. It also contains a huge amount of self-admitted perfectionists,

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