

 October 11, 2017

By  Casey Berman

My 7 year old son and 10 year old daughter are so curious and inquisitive. Exploring, asking, wondering, probing, arguing.

It got me thinking that I have let my curiosity lapse.

Of course, I’m 43 years old and know more than they do.

But this isn’t about me knowing more than my children, so I don’t have to be inquisitive.

Rather, it’s about how we attorneys have been trained to forgo the curiosity that drives our personal creativity and wonder, and replace it with what makes a good lawyer: risk aversion, persuasion, diplomacy, attention to detail.

I encourage you to reactivate your curiosity. It’s key to leaving the law.

That’s what I talk about in today’s video (it’s short, a bit over 4 minutes):


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