
How he got his non-law dream job through a cold email

 June 20, 2017

By  Casey Berman

I spoke with a client last week who recently left the law. A former estate planning attorney who just recently transitioned to lead the direction and management of planned giving for a local university.

In his new role he helps provide the strategic direction and long & short range planning to support the development of major gifts and alumni relations related to cultivating and soliciting donors.

Sounds pretty cool, huh? 🙂

It’s close to his dream job. “Planned giving†is an area he identified early on in our process that was in alignment with his skills and strengths, his Unique Genius, and also something he cared a lot about.

He did explore and interview in a number of other areas. His Unique Genius seemed to align with Strategy jobs and Project Management jobs. He got interviews through his network at a Fortune 500 company and a small startup.

But he just didn’t see a fit with these paths.

A (sincere, authentic, aligned) cold email

So I asked him how, then, did he get an introduction to the university which ultimately just hired him.

I could feel him smile over the phone. My client told me that he came across a person in the area who leads planned giving for another college. He reached out to this person to learn more about the industry and the role in general and set up an informational interview over a coffee and …

I jumped in. Did you know this person?

No, my client told me. My client just reached out cold to him over LinkedIn.

And he agreed to meet with you?


My client had sent this planned giving professional an authentic and sincere email, bolstered by the confidence my client had in his own Unique Genius and in his skills and strengths aligning with planned giving, and this person met with him, and lo and behold, this person introduced my client to the contact hiring at the other university.

Then my client told me something which brought it altogether for me.

My client said that this professional he reached out to, who he had never met before, actually, really liked meeting with my client over coffee. He really liked helping my client. He really liked talking shop. Even though they had just met.

He liked paying it forward. He liked helping.

If you want to leave the law, it’s more than possible. We’re doing it here. The world is a great place with a ton of opportunity. People want to help you.

And here is a non-risk free way to do so with the Leave the Law Course.

It’s a ten day trial of our online, self-paced Leave the Law course. For only $1. If you like it, stay at $97 per month. If you don’t, cancel any time.

If you invest in yourself, we will invest in you … and the returns come back a millionfold. Transform your life into one that you love, that lets you do what you are good at and aligns with what you believe in.

And it’s good timing … the next live training and Q&A session with me is coming up this Saturday.

Email me – what’s the one thing preventing you from leaving the law right now? Email me at [email protected]. I read and reply to every email.

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