
Before you leave the law, watch this

 May 12, 2017

By  Casey Berman

For many of the clients I work with, leaving the law is not in question: They are so unhappy, unfulfilled, and burned out that there is no question they want to leave. We focus on moving forward to do so.

But others of us aren’t so sure. We find a lot we don’t align with in the practice of law, but there is a lot that does: We may be legal subject matter experts, or just need to refresh the types of clients we work with or need to make more money.

That’s why Adam Ouellette, a Florida licensed attorney, and fellow Leave Law Behind reader, author, and speaker and I have created the podcast called “Love or Leave the Law”. It’s a point/counterpoint format, where we discuss how to (re) love the law again … or find ways to leave it.

And the podcast is inspiring unhappy attorneys just like you to not feel so alone, and to begin to act … which is why Adam and I began the podcast in the first place. One listener wrote in recently to tell us

“Over the weekend I started checking out the videos and listened to the first session of the Love or Leave the Law podcast. I have been binge listening to the podcast ever since! After listening to episodes 6 and 7 about signs you are ready to leave the law, I felt a tremendous feeling of relief – someone finally understands how I feel.”


Take this one small baby step right now

If you’re on the fence listen to the podcast.

If you’re torn about whether you should stay or go, listen to the podcast.

If you’d like to find ways to re-love the law again, listen to the podcast.

It’s free. You can watch the video, listen to the audio, or read the transcripts.

In our second episode, we discuss “Why the Law Sucks?” and why it’s just not that much fun nor that lucrative to practice the law any more. We focus on the current state of the legal practice, what disruptive forces are on the horizon, why it’s harder to make money as a lawyer and what lawyers can do now to make sure their practices survive and thrive (Part II of “Why the Law Sucks” can be found here)

And in our third episode … we talk about the opposite, and how the law can be an amazing profession (I’ll post that next week).

Click on the player below. Hope you enjoy! More to come!

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Want to talk about leaving the law? Schedule a free time to chat with me here.

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