Live Training Session – How to Overcome Your Fears of Leaving the Law (November 14 2018)

If you’re reading this right now, you’re unhappy practicing the law.

You may feel anxious or down or just realized you’re not doing what you should be doing in life.

You’re hurting. I know it.

I know how it feels, because as someone who has left the law, I’ve been there too.

You desperately want to find your path OUT of the law into a career you could love!

But you feel that there is likely a lot standing in your way. You’re afraid of where to go next.

The reason you won’t ever leave the law and stay STUCK boils down to one word: FEAR!

I feel your pain. I know what it’s like to want to leave the law so badly, but still be afraid and unclear of what next step to take.

That’s why we regularly have Live Trainings exclusively for Leave Law Behind community members. Our latest (watch the video reply below) was on Wednesday November 14 at 6p Pacific/9p Eastern.

In this Live Training, my business partner (and fellow former attorney) Adam Ouellette and I identify and unpack the top 5 fears that are getting in your way of leaving the law.

We shine a light on these fears, help you become more aware of what these fears are doing to you and show you Leave Law Behind resources that can help you overcome these fears and move forward.

And this is all free, just for you as a Leave Law Behind reader.

Click on the player below to begin to overcome your fears.




And if you’re ready to leave the law, come join us in the Leave Law Behind Program. You can see all of the details and sign up here.

When you’re ready to join, you can easily spread out the cost or pay all at once and get $500 off.

Ready to Take Back Control of Your Life from the Law?

Are you feeling stuck, dreaming of a way out of the misery? At Leave Law Behind, we specialize in helping lawyers like you find fulfilling "non-law" careers that reignite your passion and restore balance to your life. Click below to visit our home page and gain free access to our Resource Library, a life changing collection of videos, tips and inspirations specifically designed to help you explore and consider your path out of the law. All for free!