Leave Law Behind Live Coaching: An Evening with Mindy Gulati

"Just awesome!" is how one LLB member described last night's Live Training with Mindy Gulati.

Another LLB Member said: "Thanks for the webinar with Mindy today. She is so awesome. What an open and honest human. I loved hearing about how she made her transition to her nonlegal job. Her love for what she is doing now really came across. Also, what a great connection for LLB members. I've already emailed her to see when I could pick her brain about my UG and my different interests. Loved her concrete steps / roadmap regarding credentialing and networking too. What she said made so much sense and really made this whole thing seem so much easier, just like you were saying."

When you're a member of the Leave Law Behind coaching course, you get access to life changing Live Coaching sessions that we put on each month.

These are live trainings with Leave Law Behind founder Casey Berman and other ex-attorneys who've been through the same struggles and can help inspire you to act. 

And to give you a peek at these exclusive coaching sessions, we made the replay of this past month's training totally open and free for you to listen and learn from. Carve out an hour and get ready to be inspired to act and leave the law!

This month, our guest was Mindy Gulati, the founder of Fundamental Advisory, an Austin based strategic consulting firm that helps companies to change their culture in order to create innovative and inclusive working environments. Mindy and her team guide and support businesses through complex issues such as implicit & explicit bias, sexual harassment and diversity.

Click below to watch the full Live Training.

Learn more about the Leave Law Behind Coaching and Course and how we can help you out of the law.

And Mindy’s legal training is right on point in this role. As she says on her site, her “legal background gives her a key advantage in understanding these issues with an eye towards risk mitigation and by crafting specific policies and procedures to guard against the harms that workplace inequities create."

In this Live Training, Mindy dove into: 

  • How and why she left behind her very successful law practice
  • What drove her to create her own strategic consulting firm, advising major companies and law firms on the extremely important and sensitive areas of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • How lawyers skills are transferable to "alternative" careers (and described what the skills of "story telling" and "disrupting" and "facilitating" really mean day to day)
  • Why cross examination is a great skill for a consultant and a "disruptor"
  • How she has created an entrepreneurial life out of the law, filled purpose, meaning and that aligns well with her skills and strengths … all while raising a family!
  • Why even with COVID-19, now is the best time for you to accelerate your career out of the law
  • What steps you can take right now to also create your own purpose filled business
  • What female LLB members need to keep in mind, and how they can avoid intimidation in this career changeThe courage and will it took her to leave her successful law career

… and much, much more.

Click below to watch the full Live Training.

Ready to Take Back Control of Your Life from the Law?

Are you feeling stuck, dreaming of a way out of the misery? At Leave Law Behind, we specialize in helping lawyers like you find fulfilling "non-law" careers that reignite your passion and restore balance to your life. Click below to visit our home page and gain free access to our Resource Library, a life changing collection of videos, tips and inspirations specifically designed to help you explore and consider your path out of the law. All for free!