
New rules

 July 21, 2010

By  Casey Berman

Some of the “rules†you follow and adhere to day-to-day might be outdated or holding you back, such as:

  • Job security should be a major requirement.
  • A steady, W2 paycheck is good.
  • Take the safe route.
  • Being a lawyer is everything to me.

By what other rules do you find yourself living?  I’m sure there are more you can add.

What might be a new “rule�

  • Plan to have no plan.
  • Be committed to being uncommitted.
  • Start thinking and working on an alternative life while you still hold down your day job.
  • You don’t have to be fearless to make dramatic changes in your life.
  • Being a lawyer is not everything to me.
  • I want to wear jeans to work.
  • I want to be able to sleep late in the mornings and work regularly from 3pm to midnight.
  • I want to see my kids more.

Of course, the adoption of any new rules is not meant to be an excuse for sitting home all day and re-watching Dazed and Confused.  Some of the rules we might be living under right now may be worth keeping.  Some may definitely not.  Some of the new rules we come up with just might not fit . . . right now or ever.  Following some of these new rules, however, might just be what one needs to create the professional and personal life routine they’ve always wanted.

The goal of the new rules is to free us from the unsatisfying matrix we’ve been living in so far and provide new alternatives to governing your day to day routine, a routine that will make you the right amount of money you need to live and enjoy yourself, a routine that will provide satisfying, challenging work that aligns with your skill set and strengths, a routine that will give you the freedom to pursue the work, hobbies, activities and downtime that you need and a routine that affords you with the self identity, self worth and confidence you deserve.

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