Fil Asgedom’s Leave Law Behind Success Story

Fil Asgedom

Fil Asgedom

"It is not hyperbole to say that working with Leave Law Behind has changed my life! From the help in overcoming my fears of leaving the law to the insightful and honest video tutorials to the way the material was all presented in such an easy to understand way, my experience with Casey and his team has been nothing short of outstanding ... it's literally been life changing!"

Fil's Story

A bit about me

It is not hyperbole to say that working with Leave Law Behind has changed my life! From the help in overcoming my fears of leaving the law to the insightful and honest video tutorials to the way the material was all presented in such an easy to understand way, my experience with Casey and his team has been nothing short of outstanding.  

Emotional Grip: Fear is a towering obstacle

My parents held multiple menial jobs at once and invested immensely in their children. Their hope was that their children graduate from college, enter high earning professions, and gain status. I am primarily driven by ideas and I opted for work that interested me. 

Eventually, naturally, the pressure to earn a high income arrived, and I decided to attend law school. Immediately, I regretted law school but leaving seemed like an admission of failure. 

Then, I met Casey Berman. He chronicled his experience as an attorney and how it inspired him to found the Leave Law Behind project. I was intrigued. Nine months later, I decided to give Leave Law Behind a chance. It worked.  

The Program

The Leave Law Behind Program was very well organized and conceived. The Program was full of tutorials, resources, and worksheets. By following the Modules step by step, I was able to quickly learn and build on Casey’s leave the law behind concepts with minimal questions or frustration. I learned what I was looking to learn in a well organized and pace. 

At first, I wasn’t sure that an online course would answer all my questions but whenever I had questions, I was able to easily get an answer from their live Members Forum or their monthly Live Trainings (Casey’s answers your questions via video conference). The video tutorials, worksheets printable checklists, live trainings and Members Forum were instrumental in making sure I stayed the course and achieved my goal of leaving the law.  

The Coaching

The Leave Law Behind Program is by far the leading career coaching for lawyers. Being former attorneys themselves, Casey and his team feel your pain as an unsatisfied attorney. 

And having left the law themselves, they have crafted the exact right set of steps to make this transition, that just aligned with me so well. Casey and his team seem to work day and night to get this all right, and to support me through the process step by step.  

Where I am Now

It is not hyperbole to say that working with Leave Law Behind has changed my life. It helped me in overcoming my fears of leaving the law. Now, I am the founder of Sax Capital Partners (an investment bank), building a private equity fund, and investing heavily in a healthcare startup. I love what I do. I still work a lot but I’m excited to work.

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Ready to Take Back Control of Your Life from the Law?

Are you feeling stuck, dreaming of a way out of the misery? At Leave Law Behind, we specialize in helping lawyers like you find fulfilling "non-law" careers that reignite your passion and restore balance to your life. Click below to visit our home page and gain free access to our Resource Library, a life changing collection of videos, tips and inspirations specifically designed to help you explore and consider your path out of the law. All for free!