
To-do lists

 September 2, 2010

By  Casey Berman

Many, if not all of us, have to-do lists.  Some keep them online, some in written notebooks, some on scraps of paper, some in their heads.

And many of us have a lot to do.  We have client meetings and contracts to review and court hearings and briefs to write.  We have to drum up business.  We have to attend partner meetings.

We have to pick our kids up from school and go to their doctor appointments and parent teacher conferences.

We also need to relax and spend time with our family and enjoy ourselves and have fun and be lazy and rest.

And, for some of us, we also need to leave the law.

So how can we possibly leave the law, or even begin some of the tasks to leave the law, if we have so much on our current to-do lists?

Write down everything you need to do, today, next week, next month.  Get it all on paper.  And then make a smaller list, of all you need to do RIGHT NOW.  Just that which is achievable this hour, today.  You won’t get overwhelmed.  You’ll take it in bite sized portions. You will then, slowly and gradually and naturally, leave the law.

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