
What you have in common with Obama, Beyonce, JK Rowling, Mark Zuckerberg, Sharon Sandberg and Warren Buffett

 September 20, 2013

By  Casey Berman

As many of you may know, I am a big fan of Mike Dooley. A former international tax consultant with PWC, he’s the mind behind the Notes From the Universe (sent Monday through Friday to almost 500,000 subscribers), was featured in the film and book The Secret, is the New York Times best selling author of Manifesting Change, and is just an all-around good guy full of good energy.

I look forward to the note each morning, as a source of inspiration, laughter and perfectly timed guidance (subscribe here for free). They serve as little nuggets of motivation and always encourage me, in my work, how I relate to family and friends and in my writing.

I wanted to share one of my favorite Notes of all time with you.

The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.

Yet still, they began their journeys.

Many of us hate our job, or despise our micro-managing boss, or long for a more collaborative work environment or feel like our window to reach our potential is quickly closing that we want to leave and be something else. As such, many attorneys looking to leave the law focus on one thing: The end game. The “something elseâ€. The ultimate dream.

But what many of us who wish to leave the law don’t realize (or don’t want to realize) is that we are not now, nor will we soon be, what we ultimately dream to be. In House Counsel. A HR Manager. A VP of Business Development. An analyst at a think tank. An artist. A gardener. We are none of these things … yet.

Because what we are right now is beginning. We are starting. We are shedding. We are moving on. We are exploring. We are defining. We are remaking. We are deconstructing. We are rebuilding. We are beginning.

And that is it. You are a beginner. And while it may hurt to say that, be a blow to our ego or seem overwhelming the amount of work required to make “something else” happen, it is really, truly, extremely and utterly exciting to begin. It is actually an honor and a privilege to be able to start over and create your own journey. Not many people have the opportunity to do it. And of those that have the opportunity to do so, not many take themselves up on it.

In fact, the mystery is not in how this journey ends. We know how it ends: In a job and a life that is exciting and lucrative, that optimizes and uses your strengths and skills and infuses you with self-purpose and confidence.

We know how this journey ends. The mystery in all of this is … how does it begin? When will it begin?

Easy Babystep, anyone?

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