
Why Justice Scalia wants you to leave the law

 April 23, 2018

By  Casey Berman

I was recently interviewed for a book about going to law school and the future of the legal profession in general.

The author sent me a draft copy to review and proof read for my sections.

And as I read more than just the sections in which she quoted me 🙂 I stumbled upon a fascinating 2009 quote from Justice Scalia that I wanted to share with you.

In response to a question about whether the quality of legal counsel appearing before the U.S. Supreme Court was too low, Scalia responded that he felt the opposite … and wondered aloud why so many bright minds were even entering the practice of law. Here’s what he said:


“I used to have just the opposite reaction. I used to be disappointed that so many of the best minds in the country were being devoted to this enterprise.

“I mean there’d be a … public defender from Podunk, you know, and this woman is really brilliant, you know. Why isn’t she out inventing the automobile or, you know, doing something productive for this society?

“I mean lawyers, after all, don’t produce anything. They enable other people to produce and to go on with their lives efficiently and in an atmosphere of freedom. That’s important, but it doesn’t put food on the table, and there have to be other people who are doing that. And I worry that we are devoting too many of our very best minds to this enterprise.â€


I know why so many of us unhappy attorneys – so many of us with great minds, with creative minds, with purpose and meaning filled minds and hearts – devote ourselves to the legal profession where we fight and litigate and negotiate and risk manage and do not create much, all the while feeling anxious and nervous and putting off our life meaning.

We are afraid.

We have convinced ourselves that being a lawyer is what we should do … that being a lawyer is the only thing that we can do … that getting that ROI on our law school investment (read: debt) is what we need to do … that possibly disappointing our family and friends by leaving the law is to be avoided … so we keep doing it.

We keep practicing the law because we are afraid to change and even consider anything else.

No matter that we are increasingly becoming unhealthy. Or that we are increasingly sacrificing our personal relationships. Or that we are increasingly suffering from anxiety or depression or addiction.

If you find in your heart of hearts agreeing with the late Justice, and wondering why you are still practicing as a lawyer …

If you want to become that person you were before you took the LSAT …

If you want to stoke the creativity you once had …

If you want to become healthy again …

If you want to stop living in fear.

Then come schedule a free time to talk with us and how you can leave the law and transform your life through the Leave Law Behind Program.

It takes commitment.

It takes focus.

And it takes facing your fear.

But, if you want the proven method to leaving the law and the unwavering support from me and my team, sign up now for a free phone call to learn more.

Go to https://leavelawbehind.com/free-consult.

Thank you,


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