
You got great skills

 July 12, 2011

By  Casey Berman

One constant theme emerged from the emails I received after last Friday’s Leave Law Behind phone chat:  We often, if not all of the time, only think of ourselves as attorneys.  We focus on our title, not our underlying skills and talents.  We think that we can only be one thing.

It can be difficult to think of ourselves as anything but a lawyer – we worked hard to get through law school, we have paid a lot of money to gain the degree and license, we have spent a lot of time building up our practice, we have put a lot of effort into positioning ourselves strategically within our firm or organization.

This emphasis on title, however, serves as a major hurdle to leaving the law – once we convince ourselves that being an attorney is our sine qua non to income, self-worth and (perceived) satisfaction, than not being an attorney is . . . well . . . unnatural, just plain scary, crazy or akin to professional suicide.

In order to leave the law (or to make you happier in your practice of the law) describe yourself through your skills and talents, not just your title: I write well.  I speak in an enjoyable, persuasive manner.  I provide clear, actionable advice.  I lead.  I mentor.  I provide comfort.  I bring clarity.

When you choose to describe yourself through your talents, and not just your title, a universe of as-yet-unthought-of career choices and entrepreneurial opportunities opens up.  You begin to realize that if you were to leave the law, you could be and do anything.

Ready to take BACK Control of Your Life?

Are you feeling stuck in your legal career, dreaming of a way out? At Leave Law Behind, we specialize in helping lawyers like you find fulfilling nonlaw careers that reignite your passion and restore balance to your life.
If you've practiced law for seven or more years and are considering a change, we invite you to watch our short welcome video below. Then, schedule a free call with us to see if you're the perfect fit for our transformative coaching program. Your future begins here.

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